Dimple B.V.
T +31 (0)251 – 316 302
F +31 (0)251 – 320 550
E info@dimple.nl
W www.dimple.nl
VAT NL8110.38.403.B01
IBAN NL25ABNA0812376080
COC nr. 34169257
Our offices
Schieland 18
1948 RM Beverwijk
The Netherlands
Gooiland 46
1948 RD Beverwijk
The Netherlands
Our locations
In addition to our original plant (Gooiland 46), 2015 saw the opening of our second site(Schieland 18), tripling our production capacity in the process. Our location allows us to meet our supplier’s demands with international links nearby.

Schieland 18